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Java Syllabus

Core Java Syllabus:

This syllabus is divided into 31 chapters. The following chapter name with a brief description is given below:


1. Basics of Java

 What is Java?

 History and Features of Java

 C++ vs Java

 Hello Java Program

 Internal How to set the path?

 JDK, JRE, and JVM (Java Virtual Machine)

 JVM Memory Management

 Internal details of JVM

 Unicode System, Operators, Keywords, and Control Statements like if-else, switch, For loop, while loop, etc.


2. Class, Object, and Types of classes

 Naming convention of Java

 Classes, Objects, and Features. It explains how to declare a class, how to create an object in Java.

 Object declaration and initialization

 Life cycle of an object

 Anonymous object in Java

Class and Objects in Java with Realtime Example


3. Packages in Java

 How to declare package in a company project

 Package naming conventions

 Sub packages

 Types of packages such as user-defined packages, built-in packages

 Importing packages in Java

Packages in Java with Example Programs


4. Data types in Java

Data types in Java

 Primitive data types

 Non-primitive data types

 Memory allocation of primitive and non-primitive data types, etc.

Data types in Java


5. Variables, Constants, and Literals

Variable declaration & initialization

 Naming convention

 Types of variables such as local variables, instance variables, and static variables

 Scope and memory allocation of variables.

Variables in Java | Types of Variables


6. Methods in Java

 Methods in Java

 Use of method in Java

 Method declaration, method signature

 Types of methods in Java: predefined method, user-defined methods: instance method, static method

 Calling of method

 Java main method

 Return type in Java.

Java Methods | Declaration & Method Signature


7. Constructor in Java

 What is Constructor in Java?

 Types of constructors: Default and Parameterized constructors

 Java constructor overloading

 Constructor chaining in java

 Copy constructor in Java


8. Modifiers in Java

 What is Access modifier and Non-access modifier in Java?

 Types of access modifiers like private, default, protected, and public

Types of Non-access modifiers like abstract, final, native, static, Strictfp, synchronized modifier, transient, volatile.


9. Static Keyword

 What is Static keyword?

 Static variable

 Static method

 Static block, Instance block

 Static Nested Class in Java

 Difference between static variable and instance variable, static method and instance method, static block, and instance block.


10. Final Keyword

 Final keyword

 Final variable

 Final method

 Final class.


11. Inner Class in Java

What is Inner class in Java?, Properties of inner class, Instantiating inner class.

Types of inner class in Java: Normal inner class, Method local inner class, Anonymous inner class, and Static nested class.


12. Super and this Keyword

 Super keyword

 Calling of superclass instance variable

 Superclass constructor

 Superclass method.

The second section deals with

This keyword

 Calling of current class constructor, and method.





13. OOPs concepts

In this chapter, you will learn the most important topic Object-oriented programming system (OOPs). In the OOPs concept, you will learn class, object, encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, and abstraction. All topics are very important for interview purposes.


14. Encapsulation

 Encapsulation in Java

 How to achieve Encapsulation

 Data hiding

 Tightly encapsulated class

 Getter and setter method in Java

 Naming convention of getter and setter method


15. Inheritance

 Inheritance in Java

 Is-A Relationship

 Aggregation and Composition(HAS-A)

 Types of inheritance:  Single level, Multilevel, Hierarchical, Multiple, and Hybrid inheritance.


16. Polymorphism

 Polymorphism in Java,

 Types of polymorphism: Compile-time polymorphism and Run-time polymorphism

 Static and Dynamic Binding

 Method overloading

 Method overriding

 Rules of method overloading and method overriding, various example programs related to rules of overloading and overriding.

 Covariant Return type


17. Abstraction

 Abstraction in Java

 Abstract class

 Abstract method

 Interface in Java


 Nested interface, rules, and example programs.


18. Garbage Collection


19. Input Output Stream

 FileOutputStream, FileInputStream

 BufferedOutputStream, BufferedInputStream


 ByteArrayOutputStream, ByteArrayInputStream

 DataOutputStream, DataInputStream

 Java FilterOutputStream, Java FilterInputStream

 Java ObjectStream, Java ObjectStreamField


 FilePermissionWriter, Reader, FileWriter, FileReader

 BufferedWriter, BufferedReader

 CharArrayReader, CharArrayWriter

 PrintStream, PrintWriter

 OutputStreamWriter, InputStreamReader

 PushbackInputStream, PushbackReader

 StringWriter, StringReader

 PipedWriter, PipedReader

 FilterWriter, FilterReader, File FileDescriptor, RandomAccessFile, and  java.util.Scanner.


20. Collections Framework

What is Collections Framework?

 List, Set, SortedSet, Queue, Deque, Map, Iterator, ListIterator, and Enumeration.

 ArrayList, LinkedList, HashSet, LinkedHashSet, TreeSet, ArrayDeque, PriorityDeque, EnumSet, AbstractCollection, AbstractList, AbstractQueue, AbstractSet, and AbstractSequentialList.

 Map, Map Entry, SortedMap, and NavigableMap

 HashMap, LinkedHashMap, TreeMap, IdentityHashMap, WeakHashMap, and EnumMap.

 Comparator, RandomAccess interfaces as well as Observable class.


21. Serialization

This chapter deals with Serialization, Deserialization, and Java transient keyword.


22. Exception Handling in Java

This chapter is very important for any Java technical test or Java technical interview. In this chapter, you will familiar with

 Exception Handling in Java

 Try-catch block

 Multiple Catch Block

 Nested try block

 Finally block

 Throw Keyword

 Throws Keyword

 Throw vs Throws, Final vs Finally vs Finalize

 Exception Handling with Method Overriding Java Custom Exceptions


23. Java Annotations

This chapter deals with Java annotations, Built-In Java annotations like @Override, @SuppressWarnings, @Deprecated, @Target, @Retention, @Inherited, @Documented, Java custom annotations, and types of annotations.


24. Reflection in Java

 Reflection API

 NewInstance() & Determining the class object

 Javap tool, Creating javap tool

 Creating applet viewer


 Accessing private method from outside the class


25. Java Array

This chapter deals with

 Java Array

 Types of array: single dimensional array, multidimensional array, declaration, instantiation, and initialization of Java array

 Passing array to a method

 Anonymous array in Java

 Cloning an array in Java


26. String, String Buffer, String Builder

This is the most important chapter in the whole core java. It will deal with basically three topics such as


 Immutable String

 String Comparision, String concatenation


 StringBuffer class

 StringBuilder class

 toString method

 StringTokenizer class


27. Java Thread

 Java multithreading

 Multithreading life cycle of a thread creating

 Thread scheduler

 Sleeping a thread, Start a thread twice

 Calling run() method

 Joining a thread

 Naming a thread

 Thread priority,

 Daemon thread

 Thread pool

 Thread group


 Java Synchronization: synchronized method, synchronized block, static synchronization


 Inter-thread Communication

 Interrupting Thread


28. JDBC

JDBC Drivers

 Steps to connect to Database

 Connectivity with Oracle

 Connectivity with MySQL

 Connectivity with Access without DSN


 Types of JDBC statements: Statement, Prepared statement, Callable statement

 Database Metadata, Resultset Metadata

 ResultSet, types of ResultSet,

 Storing image, Retrieving image

 Storing file, Retrieving file, Stored procedures, and functions

 Transaction Management

 Batch Processing

 JDBC New Features, Mini Project, and interview questions.


29. Agile

 Agile model

 Advantages, and Disadvantages of Agile model

 Agile versus Waterfall method

 Important terminology: Scrum, Scrum Master, Flow of Agile Implementation, Sprint, and Burn down Charts.


30. Design Pattern

In design pattern chapter, you will learn

 Singleton Object

 Singleton design pattern with Serialization

 Factory Pattern

 Abstract Factory.


31. Database


Hope that this core java syllabus will help you to know about important core java topics. All of these topics are very important for technical tests and interviews.


If you follow and study these topics nicely then you can crack any java technical interview and technical test in 2021.






Servlets and JSPs

1. Basics of a Web application

What is a web application?

What is a web client and web server?

How do client and server communicate?

HTTP protocol basics

HTML language basics

What is a TCP/IP port, URL?

Need for a Web Container


2. Web Contaner and Web Application Project Set up

To set up Tomcat Container on a machine

To set up a Servlets JSP project in Eclipse

To configure dependency of Servlet JSP APIs

Web application project struture


3. Servlets

What are Servlets?

What can they do? Why are they needed?

How do Servlets look in code?


GET/POST request; differences between the two

Servlet Lifecycle

Servlet Context and Servlet Config

Forwarding and Redirection of requests


4. Session Management

What is a session?

Why is it required?

How to get a session?

Session information passing between client and server

Sesssion information passing mechanisms - Cookies, Rewriting

How to destroy a session


5. JSPs

Introduction to JSP an dneed for JSPs

Basic HTML tags

JSP Lifecycle


6. JSP Elements




Significance of above elements and fitment into the JSP Lifecycle

What are Directives in JSP?

Page Directive

Include Driective

Taglib Directive


7. JSP Tag library

JSP Standard Actions

Expression Language

JSTL basics and it's usage

Need for Custom Tag Library

Custom Tag Library implementation

Struts Framework (version 2.x)


1. Basics of MVC

What is MVC?

MVC Type1 and Type2 architecture

Why Struts framework?

Struts 1 overview

Struts 1 and Struts 2 comparison


2. Struts 2 Architectutre


Architecture Diagram explanation of following components:

Components of Model, Views and Controller in Struts Framework


Model/Action classes

Value Stack


Introduction to configurations; framework and application architecture

Declarative and Annotations configuration approaches


3. Struts 2 set up and first Action class

Download JAR files

Struts 2 project build up and Configuration files

To build Action class

To intercept an HTTP request via Struts2 framework using Action class

Defining data and business logic in Action class

Preparing and Forwarding control to Views


4. Struts 2 Interceptors

What are Interceptors

Responsibilities of an Interceptor

Mechanism of Interceptor calling in Struts 2

Defining Interceptors

Defining Interceptor stacks

Defining Custom Interceptors


5. Struts 2 Tag Library

Introduction to tag library of Struts 2 and it's usage


6. Struts 2 Validations

Validations using Validateable interface

Workflow interceptor mechanism for validations

Validations using Validateable interface

Validation Framework introduction and architecture

Validating user input with above two mechanisms


7. Struts 2 Tiles Frameworks

Introduction to Tiles in a page

Struts2 Tiles framework introduction

Defining tiles.xml file

Configuring pages for tiles

A complete Tiles example with Struts2


Hibernate Framework (version 3.x)

1. Introduction

What is ORM principle?

Why ORM?

ORM implementations


2. Hibernate Architecture

Introduction to Hibernate

Hibernate Architecture

What are Peristent classes?


3. Hibernate CRUD

Setting up Hibernate project

Configuring all JARs and XML files

Setting up connection to DB using Hibernate

Performing basic CRUD operations using Hibernate API

Object Identity; Generator type classes

Using SQL with Hibernate

Using HQL

Using Criteria queries


4. Mapping Collections and Associations

To define sets, mas, lists in Hibernate

Association Mappings: 1. One to one

2 One to many

3 Many to one

4 Many to many

5. Hibernate Caching


What is caching?

What are the types of caching in Hibernate?

Explanation of various caching mechanisms in Hibernate


6. Using Hibernate Annotations (if time permits)

Sample example of using Hibernate Annotations

Spring Framework (version 3.x)


1. Introduction to spring

What is Spring?

Spring Architecture explanation and all it's components


2. Introduction to all modules of spring

Spring Bean Factory

Spring Application Context

Spring DI

Spring AOP

Spring Integration; Spring messaging, Spring JMS

Spring MVC

Spring DAO


3. Setting up spring

Setting up of Spring framework

Download JARs

Configure XML files


4. Dependency Injection

What is Dependency Injection?

How is it implemented using Spring Framework?

Bean Wiring mechanisms in Spring


5. Spring AOP

What is Spring AOP?

Implementation of Spring AOP

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